Tuesday, March 31, 2009

a second chance..

Dengan nama Allah, Tuhan yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang. Assalamualaikum wrbth. i would like to share a true story that happened to me. Please take some of these that i am going to tell as pengajarans or lessons to me myself, and to you who are reading. Wednesday morning, i lost my wallet in a mashrut( mashrut is like a van, where many peope share money for one trip, like rm 1 for a trip, senang cerita kereta sewa la kan.) then, after i lost my wallet, i thought to my self '' mungkin ni ujian dari-Nya, mungkin ini apa yang Tuhan takdirkan untuk mengampuni dosaku yg bertimbun2 banyaknya'' i decided not to be stressed, and decided to go on..

noon.. as i was having my russian class, i felt weak, VERY weak. i decided to put my heavy head on the table. igtkan nk letak sekejaaaappp je kepala atas meja, when i let my head lie on the table. After that, i lost control of myself.. i was too weak to wake up* atau dengan kata lain.. bajet* hehe. anywho.. mmg weak la.. then i felt very VERY cold, in the normal temperature, sejuk sgt la, tk tau mcmn, then my dear groupmates put their coat on me, baik la dorg =) i closed my eyes as i was crying( ahh man.. kantoi.. haha). i should have lasted la, n fought n should have waken up, but i coudnlt.. i just couldnt.. my head was on the table... my hands and leg was shivering.. i coult only hear and see.. and barely speak. i was weak, and couldnt do much.

"Skoraya pamosh?(ambulance?)" said my curator.
that time i just could say da(yes), without even knowing what does the word means. later on, the ambulance came. pebende la dorg ni nk dtg sebok je haha. i mean, i'm glad that they came la, very glad. at first they asked la whats my name, while slapping me.
'' kak tibia zavut?"
dorg macam tk tau la pula, nk juga tanya orang sakit, tanya orang lain takleh ke sheesh hehe. maybe it was a procedure.. n i patut stop sangka buruk.. haiyaa. lepas that, they put ammonia to my nose, that thing mmg dangerous la, sakit tau, i inhaled it, and felt the painfull sensation down my throat. i thought that cecair at that time which i didnt know what it is was supposed to make me feel unconscious. so i stopped breathing.. n almost lost my breath. that time.. i imagined death.. after that, i saw my former lecturer, Olga Nikalaevna, i was glad to see her, very glad, she held my weak hands *ooppss...* hehe
then, they carried my body down on the mat which is bentanged on the floor. Then they carriedme to the ambulance. i was freezing cold at that time, lagi2 when they exitd the university's door, into the ambulance. mmg sejuk, hanya Tuhan yang tahu.
In the ambulance kn, i felt like dropping, ye la, dah driver dia bawak mcm pro haha no la. i meant kn kene belok sini sana, so rasa nk jatuh la. In the ambulance, i begged for His forgiveness for the sins that i did, hanya mampu berdoa.
as i arrived at the hospital.. i barely told the nurse i was weak and cold.. and the nurse kind of PERLI me.it okay if main2, but this is too much. those of u in Malaysia, be thankful la. my heart went from heart broken, to berkecai into pieces. ini dugaan kan, nk buat mcmn. mampu diam je la.
Then, i went into the doctors room, while entering on the trotil(troli + katil) i heard their perbincangan.
"atkuda on?(dia dari mana?)"
"iz malaizii(dari Malaysia)"
"Malayzii? gdea?(Malaysia? kat mana tu?)"
"v afrikie(kat Afrika)"
mmg kalau ada sliper mmg nk campak je la kat dia haha. tk la.

then, the doctor tanya me questions tau, n then i answered la.
Then.. ur.. malunya nk cerita this part, okay here goes. Then, the nurse took off all my clothes tau, mmg my maruah diri tercalar bafaikn handset tercalar apabila diseret atas tar jalan. but at least lepas dia tarik my baju without perasaan dia cover me with a selimut, so okay lagi la. then, they roll me into the ISEEYOU(ICU) room mmg psycho la, lagi2 dgn nama dia, takleh ke letak nama *ICdoctor ke *ICUCIC ke.. dont know what that means. thats the first part, the name ICU, the second part is when i entered the room, my mind went into thinking that i am going to be post mortemed, that they r going to belah me, n take my organs out, psycho u know sheesh. hurm. then, the nurse rolled me next to the katil, u know how tudung saji ditarik oleh orang yang sangat lapar, begitu la selimut saya ditarik.stop. Pada waktu itu, saya berasa sangat malu. stop. tadi kata maruah tercalar bagaikan handset di seretkan? ha ni maruah musnah bagaikan handset dilanggar kereta dan hancur musnah. Then, i had to change katil.. from trotil to katil. Masa tukar katil, the nurse pake me pakai PAMPERS.. lama tak pakai.. rindu betul hahah. errr ye la dia ambil semua bau n bagi pakai pampers. pakai ni mcm.. rasa macam bagaikan serpihan2 handset yg dicalar dan dilanggar, kali ni rasa mcm serpihan2 kene lenyek dgn mesin perata jalan tar. hehe.

Masa baru tukar katil perbualan ni berlaku
sy:"gdea tualiet?(mana toilet, tak tahan ni)"
dia:"nietu(sini takde toilet, sorry sket)"

lepas tu, rasa mcm arrghhhh haha. mmg klau dok icu ni seminggu, mmg tk nk buang air besar. waktu tu nurse bagi botol.. so saya pun.. umm.. takpe la carry on.
That night kan, i was kind of culture shocked la seeing old sick ladies kene marah with no good reason at all, dah la tgh sakit, lepas tu nurse boleh marah, mmg tak tau la nk kata apa. rasa terharu la.
That time, i was feeling hungry. Andthen, i started to feel sorry, because i never realise how lucky i am, on a bed, lying on a soft bed with a selimut to cover my body and to recover my maruah, while those poor people in Palestin, in Iraq, takde makanan, pakaian takde, sakit takde, why should i rasa kesiankan myself, when all of the other people lagi teruk nasib dia. i should be very thankful. i was very hungry at that time, but what kind of selfish human am i kalau i pentingkan diri sendiri. i just lay there. Tuhan Maha Pemurah, the nurse sent some porridge. i finished it all though i am hungry. That time i just prayed and prayed, and hope for HIs forgiveness. memang tersiksa la waktu tu.. tapi ni baru dunia, belum AKHIRAT LAGI. i rested the whole night. I told the nurse "I NAKK BALIIKKKKK" but she didnt let la. i prayed:

"Ya ALLAH, matikanlah aku sekiranya mati itu lebih baik dari hidup" i serahkan everything to ALLAH.

After that, 3 orang nurse datang, i was like what the hanger is this?, sorg nurse to pegang me andasked me to baring like mcm embryo. i did la. and then then, she took my air tulang belakang, lumbar puncture. sakit tu i didnt know, because i didnt want to know. dah waktu tu igt nak mati dah. then i rested until the next day. the next morning, i felt better, i had to fake that i'm feeling better so that i could escape from the hospital.. but couldnt. mungkin ditakdirkan hidup disini buat sementara. After i saw the doctor, i was transferred to a nicer ward, where i met russians. happy sikit la walaupun hanya *berpampers(ye la takkan nak tulis *hanya tak berbaju)hehe. sini, sangat cantik, ada toilet, friendly russians.

i lied down n covered my cold body with the blanket,... wondering when can i graduate from the hospital. then... i saw two seniors came, n gave me biskut. at first malu2 pastu makan juga.. orang lapar kan =) memang langsung tak expect.. i was happy like a fat boy getting a lollipop, i always feel that way when people come to visit me. Those of you reading and have visited me, i would like to really thank you so much, and thanks for bringing all the foods,thanks to my batch mate, especially Khai, n JenFai, thanks Endy for visiting , calling n everything, thanks Fadhlin for the card, care and love u showed, i owe ou guys a LOT thanks seniors especially abg Ramdhan, akak Yana, and everyone la. May Allah bless all of you, may He murahkan rezeki for all of you. i feel very happy, and very thankful to ALLAH, He gave me everything.

I stayed in the hospital for about a week. i kacaued the nurse, made new friends, and kept one, nama dia Alexey.. i loved staying in the hotel(hospital) i learnt aa lot of islamic knowledges from the Qur'an. banyak bende yang baru sedar. lastly, i would like to igtkan what Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. said, to myself, and everyone: "I am a servant of Allah; i eat like a servant; sit like a servant; and walk like a servant" prophet Muhammad.
This experience teaches me how lucky i am, how lucky i am to wear clothes, and not n@ked, how lucky am i to be able to sit stand, smile, and not paralyzed, how lucky i am to be able to breathe, and still alive, Alhamdulillah. i have been given a second chance of life.. i'm thankful i can still talk to my parents, see my friends and everyone. Allah has given me a chance, and i believe the same chance to all of us, to still keep on living, and carry on our lives. Allah has given us all, but the thing is.. we r not thankful enough. how many of us say alhamdulillah whenever we can talk walk see feel eat smile, this teguran is meant for me, and for other people who wants to be improved. segala yang baik itu datang dari Allah, dan segala yang buruk itu juga datang dari Allah, tapi berlandaskan kekurangan yang ada pada diri saya. thanks for reading, n i'm sorry for not updating for soo long.

to Farhana B, Azhar, Hani, Goh, Munya and everyone ; how are you? kind of miss you guys =)

disudahi dengan wabillahitaufiqwalhidayah assalamualaikum wrbth.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Assalamualaikum. this is the second part of my trip to Berlin. the picture up here is taken by my friends when i was sesat.. sheeshh. hurm here goes nothing..
this is one of the europe buildings there is in Berlin
i think this is the memorable part of my trip. one time, after a lat lunch, we were kind of in a hurry to pray.. so we asked around and alhamdulillah.. we gfound a mosque. the mosque is not like in Malaysia where there is kubah and everything. here its in a building.. which looks nothing like a mosque.. until you go inside la. anyhow, after we prayed, we met this uncle. he is from Kosovo, and lived in Berlin for 17 years. what touched me the most was the way he treated us. he showed really good manner in speaking, always with the zikir, mmg buat hati terasa lembut n tenang. next he belanjaed us.. we didnt expect him to do so. he treatred us tea n kueh muih. n before we left, he gave us bags of cakes to eat on our way home. how many people can do this?? Germans are nice, but the nicest of the niceness would be an Islamis German.
Three..Two..( me being me)( Volgo dudes)( to lady D/ Diana: haa tu la Khairuddin. mmg rajin la that guy)

one! these are my masak group. its a good thing that all of us went there, os we dont have to masak la. lalalala.
tower of apa entah. gosh i have to be more attentive.
This os the parliament of Germany
partheNOT. normal museum.

monuments lalala.
waiting can kill
Jaulah group!
well.. this is what i do during lectures sob sob.. regret la
This is an awesome friend of mine from Nizhny Novgorod, Russia. dia baik la kamu semua.
i like.
Tulis je Stockholm, but its not. i pon boleh tulis my name to mr bombay.
train station. or was it bus station. who the hen cares
saya nak kuda tu. please!

nice building

Thats all people. i may seem happy, but its just pictures.. dalam hidup ini tak semuanya indah.. terima ia seadanya. okay, i have to get back and perah my otak with anatomy.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Guten Tag

Assalamualaikum. in this episode of my blog, i would like to share my journey to berlin, Germany. the trip awesome, the food was great, the people are very nice, not to mention i got lost.. twice pula tu. stuck in a place where u dont know where you are, or where to go,.. but Tuhan maha kuasa kan.. HE helped me.

The Berlin wall... like i care.. hehe

This is the train station in Berlin. Its every 5 minutes,really fast, high tech! i repeat every FIVE MINUTES!!
i was jakuned by the double decker bus.. ya la.. riang ria. and there next to it is actually a kebab shop ( specifically named doner kebab) to those who dream to go to Berlin, find this kebab, even u tk paham what they say, just tunjuk to the daging there..!! its the most delicious ones i've ever tasted!!
This is one of the Germans skyscrapers.. but of course the twin towers are taller.

This was when we walked around the streets of Berlin.. well it was very very nice there streets are clean, their taxi's are well... classy lar( mercedes benz n not the normal ones the nice nice classy ones)
Nizhny + Volgo.

This was the first day we came, well it snowed a lot!.. only on our first day la.. then.. um... then no snow.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Oh stranger..

In 2007, something very interesting happened. One Friday, I was on my way home from KKB, just waiting for my announcement ‘stesen seterusnya, Subang Jaya’ haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa nak balik!! Nk juga!!!! Carry on, n jgn layan my nonsensenesss,.. I was in my polo maktab shirt.. worrying.. about SPM. Ye la, byk nk kene baca, yet tak byk yg I tau sgt. As I was gazing upon the blue sky.. dreaming…( Ms. Sherry.. if ur reading this.. I nk markah lebih for this essay tau) then ada this one guy came n tegur me;

“Dik, mrsm mana?” he asked.

“KKB, abg dari mrsm mana?”


Okay, there are two mistakes here. One, I was suppose to ask him first whether he was from mrsm or not, duh its in the first rule of flirting, sheesh. And the second mistake was I was not supposed to main call people ‘abang’. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee gelinya, even I don’t call my brothers abang (Ariff, Aizat.. sori yeee heehe) haa so next time I kene mahal sikit, call people ‘bro’ or apa2 la. ‘Abang shall be last season, chey! Haha continue with the story. He asked about my spm, I said la my problem tu… yg banyak nk baca n all. Then he told me about himself

“i used to be top ten in Jasin..”

My jaw dropped, ye la jumpa top student Jasin kot! Until he continued his last line

“..top ten from behind” I gelaked la, ada ke patut ckp mcm tu.

He told la a story about himself n how he was in Jasin,.. selalu ponteng la… main la ni la tu la. But was also a debater. He went to UIA and debated for both bahasa n English, good huh? He told me he was doing ib in either kmb or kms tk igt la, n going to India to do medicine. Then he said that he studied 2 weeks before spm.. yeah..that’s what they all say. But what caught my attention was when he told me how he did it. He told to just do the past year question, because they are going to publish the same exact thing, n he said that mana yg tak tahu kene yg revise, n mana yg tau tu repeat la. Plus, not to read every single thing from scratch, tu bazir masa. From what I understood, from this method, I could see that he did two things 1. Revise what he knew and 2ndly studied what he didn't know. Its kinda funny how that managed to help me. I changed after that, with ALLAH’s will of course. I was more confident.. somehow. N after that, I prepared much better for my spm, n did my best larh. Hurm until today, im still in contact with this stranger, n I hope he’s not reading this blog, Hafizudeen! Jgn baca blog ni yea? So.. those of you who are not Hafizudeen, rajin2 la comment blog ni.

Yang baik itu datang dari Allah, yang buruk itu dating dari diri saya sendiri. Minta maaf jika tersalah kata.

P/S: I miss 5 Cemerlang, especially Fahana :p n Ramzy!!

Friday, November 28, 2008

a little bit of some thing of everything

Syakirin Ruslan; serious smart guy.
Chan Wei Jian; a brilliant kind swesome friend of mine, dah la tak pernah dapat nombor lain dkt MRSM dulu, skrg mesti top lagi. All the best, n good luck studyin in australia yea!
alaa nk nangis la tg gmbr ni, this is the ultimate 5 cemerlang
This is Endy or Nor Diyana Abdul Rahman. i guess we're going to be in the place for 9 years la, 2 tahuns mrsm, 1 tahun di Intec, n 6 tahuns di Volgograd. Seriously, duduk Russia mmg boleh damage english language.
ahaa ni mmg pengalaman yg tk tau la nk ckp mcmn. During the sports closing ceremony( or was it opening ceremony) every group had their own mascot, i was my mascot that night. mmg malu la seriously menari depan professors, lecturers( btw my lecturers gelak when they know i was the astrounut). the girl next to me is Sharon. she is very amazing, bayangkan being able to represent the country in various acara( taekwondo, n her science project was sent to India if im not mistaken) n represent her state in debate. great achievements huh.

Like Munya said, Egypt + Russia. in the pic Azhar, my kindergarten friend. takdir Tuhan membolehkan kita bertemu semula di KKB. Azhar!!! ahaha
Introducing a very kind friend of mine, NorHidayah Binti Jailuddin. We had been partners for several assignments this la that la. you guys know what, she is one of the first person i met that amazes me, because of the fine attitude she has, which is kindness. (Dayah, yesli ti citaiyesh etot blog, ya hacu skazat shto u tebya velikoliepnaya, ciestnaya, akkuratnaya i cudesnaya kharaktera balshoye spasiba dlia tibia pamagat mnie mnoga ) hehe kalau tk paham tu.. buat2 paham la hehe.
Warisan lelaki Subang Jaya terakhir ( Khairuddin n Nadhir)
Ros Ammar Fitri n Emmer. These guys lah yang i lepaked during sekolah menengah during recess, my close buddies. Can't find anyone to replace you guys!

Faizuddin Azmi- man this guy is seriously cool, entah susah la nk cari, tapi boleh je, cari la kedai yang jual Ramlee burger, n Gurpreet Kaur Maan. ahaaha you guys rock, i had fun and learnt a lot from you guys. thanks for beeing the nicest friends a guy could ask for.

(Melin's cousin, Ayong( HAHA) Fana dearie, Nadia Saypet- harap tk kisah tulis nama mcm ni) pe la dorg gelak. I really miss those fun outings with my friends, seriously! sini susah la nk dpt malls mcm Malaysia, and lagi la susah to go out with friends yang fun fun mcm tu.

Maybe i had put this pic before, but what the heck la. Syazwan( yo bro!!) Faruk( Toronto!) Emmier(maggi!). Maggi slurp was nice and fresh. We had quite a meal that night

Introducing, my students. Come to think of it, i kind of miss teaching, it was very fun. (Diana, Hazirah, n Faranur Iman) jangan igt cgu lupa korg yea. study elok2 wahai pelajar2 ku haha, cgu doakan korg berjaya dunia akhirat. n terima kasih la bagi cgu byk bende, kek la chocs la card la, walaupun sekejap dgn korg, tapi mmg manis kenangan tu. good luck spm 2009!
The picture above are my roomates at MRSM ( f-2-8) seriously mmg susah nk lupakan these guys, mmg everyday fun la, tak caya tgk la the video bawah tu., and our theme is 'gedegang!' because that was the sound i made everytime i woke up, tambah dengan gelabahnya. they remember that. Black(from the left) was and always cool, mmg susah nak marah la. Shahmir is continuing his studies, and this guy mmg caring n stylo! the third one is Pelo, whos going to Spain soon!! caiyalah!
Introducing, the best of non-bitara mrsm, fom five of 2007. Memang kenangan yang susah untuk dilupakan, dgn cgu Azminya, Cos nya macam2 la. I would like to repeat the experience thee, but life goes on kan.

Well, when i was 14, i entered a photography competition, themed 'membaca'. Unfortunately, mcmn tah the competition was bataled, and no one won. penat je hantar gmbr.
Inthe picture (Chong Wen Jiet, Jasril Nazmi, Emmier!(HAHAHHAHA) N Mavinthra)

Cant believe i was that chubby.. pfft...

My elder siblings. Dont know what i'd do without them.

You know what, when i overlooked through my pics, old albums pics, mmg byk kenangan, seriously mmg teringat those fun times. Whatever it is, life goes on, apa2 jgn fikir terlalu ke depan, n jangan fikir terlalu ke belakang. Those who i didn't put ur picture, then i'm sorry, but just so you know, i still love you ahahahha, okay tak kelakar. By the way, my roomate kirim salam, ahaha.